Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Fatal Pingwyn Attack....

Eric-->the girliest color I could find (per his request)

I am typing the blog while he is sitting on the couch playing Call of Duty 4....
I think its lame, however, he enjoiis it... so...
He will put a few words in edge wise.....

A few things we must update on....

The Wedding/Married Life/Job Status/Apartments....

Im very very happy with the way the wedding turned out....
I think Eric is as well....
It had a happy ending!

Married life....
I don't think it was what either of us expected....
things really haven't changed....
I think...
We are two very stubborn people living and trying to work together....
Sometimes it takes a little more time....
We love each other....
Im sure thats all that matters....


Eric is still at movie gallery...

I unfortunately did not get the job at General Mills which means we did not get the house we wanted....
Eric says its fine....
It obviously wasnt meant for us to get it....
That makes me feel a little better...
I have been trying to get a job anywhere I can...
Im going to Arby's tomorrow to put in an application....
One of my very good friends works there and promises me a job....
I really hate working fast food....
But now i HAVE to think of more than myself....

Eric is definately going back to school in the fall...
It seems like you can't even make it without a degree....
I will support him through it...
And i guess we will have to make due....

Im excelling at the Movie Gallery, and I am leading the sales as the newest employee.
With my help our store is 155th out of 10,000.
I'm thinking of starting my own computer repair company. As the market here is rich. C
Capital needed--apply online at

( by the way readers....
Eric is obviously telling me when he wants to say something....
He said Holly...
capital needed... apply online blehhhhh....
I said...
I dont get it...
he said again...
capital needed... apply onlinee HERPPP
I wrote....
NEEDED apply online....
I didnt get it ...)


Things are going well....
I promise you people...
There are great things in the making for Eric and Holly Bowman....
Its going to take us a few years even to really be on our feet and haviing no troubles...
But thats why we have each other....

Im tired...
And my butt is hurting worse than a titty twister in the winter....

Eric's words of advice to leave you with colon
"Don't push the button!"

--Eric and Holly