Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The tattooed parana

This post actually has nothing to do with body art....or fish.


Greetings! I was just talking to my mother on the phone and told her I'd update our blog today, so here I am, typing for your amusement.
Last night at work I popped a ligament in my back and pulled or strained a muscle in the top of my back. My trapezious muscle. Work is going to compensate me for every dime I spend to fix this injury, fo' sho'.
Other than that, I'm still trying to get a job at Time Warner doing anything they need me to do. I even applied for door to door sales in a city 30 miles away. 40 minutes to get to work isn't bad, and I think I could do a good job doing door to door sales because of all my technical knowledge.
Here's Holly!

I am very upset that someone is suing me for sexual harrasment at work....
and I'm having a hard time getting rid of this headache....
chicken noise*chicken noise*chicken noise*....
I love my husband, and seals.....
Do you want to hear a funny joke???
Me too.....tell me when you hear one....

So, I put a flier up at work telling customers about my In-Your-Home computer diagnostics and network repair, and a customer asked me if I could come over and set up his router's NAT settings for online PS3 gaming. He has yet to call, but I have faith.
Speaking of faith, Lorrie and Bud laid their hands on me and prayed that my back would heal, and it feels better already. It's nice having faith again, because my prayers are getting answered.
And we're having a reception in Columbus this Saturday, August 16th, in Worthington to celebrate our wedding. Anyone reading this is invited to attend.
*cough* We're registered at Target and Kohl's, but we're also accepting cash money or bling. No personal checks unless they're drawn on a local bank, and ID is required if paying with a check.

Just kidding. You can come and not bring anything but yourselves or your kids. I'd love to see everyone who cares to read this. I promise. I love you all.

And a special note to Jenni Grossman:
You were so wonderful to me during my adolecent years. You were like a second mother, and you loved me enough to comfort me when I needed it. I thought about you the other day and how you made me feel better when I thought someone had been in our house on Selby and messed up the kitchen, which probably never happened.
Thank you so much for caring about me. As an adult, I can see now how wonderful you really were to all of us kids. Thank you.

And that wraps up this entry. We're starting to watch Red Dragon, with Ed Norton, Anothony Hopkins, and Mr. Finnes. The prequel to The Silence of the Lambs. Holly's never seen it and I haven't seen it in years, so I figger it'd be nice to spend some quality time together, since we don't see a ton of each other anymore.

Let it be known that I love my wife more than I've ever loved any woman romantically. She's the bestest thing to have ever happened to me. Believe!

Much love.
And remember......
"With a name like Smucker's, it's GOT to be good."
