Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another red letter day for the H&E Express

Despite some troubles we've been having, it seems like it all disappears when the prospect of moving out on our own becomes less of a dream and more of a reality. A couple undergoes undue stress when living with in-laws, and starting out right after marriage doing so might or might not invite more stress into a marriage than to have to do so later in life, but we're not ever going to find out. It's enough stress right now, and that's all we need to know.

Holly and I spoke to the landlord at the apartment complex where Holly's brother, Isaac, lives with his family. We talked about "move-in specials" and the like, and Sekora(Secora?(Seckorhra?)) the landlady told us that whatever aparment we choose, of the three available, will be held for us. We're going to turn in our application and tell her we'd like to move in on December 1st, 2055. We both know it's a long time off, but that gives us time to get stuff in order....

....haaaaaaahaha! Right. Weez be outta here by December 1st. We've found an amazing living room set at one of those furniture liquidators, like American Freight, but it's called "*insert correct word here* Freight". I can't be expected to keep track of all of this stuff. Holly's parents, Steven and his wife Carol, are getting us the set(which is extraordinarily well priced and they still might get a $100 off that price) for our Christmas and my birthday present(which fall within' five days of each other). It comes with a couch and love seat, both a nice green color. Also pillows, two espresso(if I ever hear you refer to said color or drink as 'expresso', prepare for the oncoming of.....le slap) colored end tables with a very nice coffee table of the same color, and two Daniel lamps. I don't know if spouting off a name brand to you in regards to lamps impresses you, but I'm taking a shot. Our living room is looking to be awesome.

So with that living room set, and all the kitchen stuff we got for our reception, all we're in need of is getting stuff for our bathroom. We're gonna have a theme in the bathroom of course. We're going to look at a bunch of themes at Target and online and just get err'thang to go with that theme.
Considering I only care a little about what my toothbrush holder looks like, I'm gonna let Holly take care of the restroom to her liking. I do have an opinion about the shower curtain, but since when does a man's opinion matter in a marriage? "Gee, uh, I dunno, Eric, maybe since RIGHT NOW?".......


Holly can go nuts in designing this place, really. I trust her sense of style completely, and I know that even though I may think that the bright yellow plaid pillows go well with the espresso side tables, I know Holly's right when she says, "Eric....................just, no."


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Coming to you live, via osmosis

Just an update here.

Holly and I are doing well. Holly is babysitting and I am working at Time Warner doing sales, of course.
Yesterday was a red letter day for me at work. I broke the record for most voice mail signups in one day and the last call I made was what we call a "triple play", which means the customer signed up for all three of our services; digital cable, high-speed online, and digital phone. All in all today, with my hourly wage and my commission, I made $30/hr. None-too-shabby.

We are on track to be getting our own place as soon as we can afford it, which is to say, not soon enough. Not that we aren't grateful to Holly's parents for putting us up until we get our own place, but we really need our own place, with room to play and room to grow, as a family.
No, don't get your hopes up just yet. I think we're aiming for next year to start a family. I myself am very excited about this prospect. I would love to have a mini-bub(ette) running around. I know Holly would be an excellent mother to our children, and hopefully things just start falling into place here soon enough so that we can plan for a family within the next two years.

It's an exciting time for the H & E Express.

Sorry we never update. It just really slips our minds...err'day, 'ya know? But we will try to be more diligent regarding our blog and we will renew our dedication to you.....our fans.

With love,

Air-ick and Holliver

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The tattooed parana

This post actually has nothing to do with body art....or fish.


Greetings! I was just talking to my mother on the phone and told her I'd update our blog today, so here I am, typing for your amusement.
Last night at work I popped a ligament in my back and pulled or strained a muscle in the top of my back. My trapezious muscle. Work is going to compensate me for every dime I spend to fix this injury, fo' sho'.
Other than that, I'm still trying to get a job at Time Warner doing anything they need me to do. I even applied for door to door sales in a city 30 miles away. 40 minutes to get to work isn't bad, and I think I could do a good job doing door to door sales because of all my technical knowledge.
Here's Holly!

I am very upset that someone is suing me for sexual harrasment at work....
and I'm having a hard time getting rid of this headache....
chicken noise*chicken noise*chicken noise*....
I love my husband, and seals.....
Do you want to hear a funny joke???
Me too.....tell me when you hear one....

So, I put a flier up at work telling customers about my In-Your-Home computer diagnostics and network repair, and a customer asked me if I could come over and set up his router's NAT settings for online PS3 gaming. He has yet to call, but I have faith.
Speaking of faith, Lorrie and Bud laid their hands on me and prayed that my back would heal, and it feels better already. It's nice having faith again, because my prayers are getting answered.
And we're having a reception in Columbus this Saturday, August 16th, in Worthington to celebrate our wedding. Anyone reading this is invited to attend.
*cough* We're registered at Target and Kohl's, but we're also accepting cash money or bling. No personal checks unless they're drawn on a local bank, and ID is required if paying with a check.

Just kidding. You can come and not bring anything but yourselves or your kids. I'd love to see everyone who cares to read this. I promise. I love you all.

And a special note to Jenni Grossman:
You were so wonderful to me during my adolecent years. You were like a second mother, and you loved me enough to comfort me when I needed it. I thought about you the other day and how you made me feel better when I thought someone had been in our house on Selby and messed up the kitchen, which probably never happened.
Thank you so much for caring about me. As an adult, I can see now how wonderful you really were to all of us kids. Thank you.

And that wraps up this entry. We're starting to watch Red Dragon, with Ed Norton, Anothony Hopkins, and Mr. Finnes. The prequel to The Silence of the Lambs. Holly's never seen it and I haven't seen it in years, so I figger it'd be nice to spend some quality time together, since we don't see a ton of each other anymore.

Let it be known that I love my wife more than I've ever loved any woman romantically. She's the bestest thing to have ever happened to me. Believe!

Much love.
And remember......
"With a name like Smucker's, it's GOT to be good."


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Fatal Pingwyn Attack....

Eric-->the girliest color I could find (per his request)

I am typing the blog while he is sitting on the couch playing Call of Duty 4....
I think its lame, however, he enjoiis it... so...
He will put a few words in edge wise.....

A few things we must update on....

The Wedding/Married Life/Job Status/Apartments....

Im very very happy with the way the wedding turned out....
I think Eric is as well....
It had a happy ending!

Married life....
I don't think it was what either of us expected....
things really haven't changed....
I think...
We are two very stubborn people living and trying to work together....
Sometimes it takes a little more time....
We love each other....
Im sure thats all that matters....


Eric is still at movie gallery...

I unfortunately did not get the job at General Mills which means we did not get the house we wanted....
Eric says its fine....
It obviously wasnt meant for us to get it....
That makes me feel a little better...
I have been trying to get a job anywhere I can...
Im going to Arby's tomorrow to put in an application....
One of my very good friends works there and promises me a job....
I really hate working fast food....
But now i HAVE to think of more than myself....

Eric is definately going back to school in the fall...
It seems like you can't even make it without a degree....
I will support him through it...
And i guess we will have to make due....

Im excelling at the Movie Gallery, and I am leading the sales as the newest employee.
With my help our store is 155th out of 10,000.
I'm thinking of starting my own computer repair company. As the market here is rich. C
Capital needed--apply online at paypal.com.

( by the way readers....
Eric is obviously telling me when he wants to say something....
He said Holly...
capital needed... apply online blehhhhh....
I said...
I dont get it...
he said again...
capital needed... apply onlinee HERPPP
I wrote....
NEEDED apply online....
I didnt get it ...)


Things are going well....
I promise you people...
There are great things in the making for Eric and Holly Bowman....
Its going to take us a few years even to really be on our feet and haviing no troubles...
But thats why we have each other....

Im tired...
And my butt is hurting worse than a titty twister in the winter....

Eric's words of advice to leave you with colon
"Don't push the button!"

--Eric and Holly

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Making little rocks from big rocks....

Dark Blue-->Eric
Dark Green-->Holly

We're sitting on a couch right now, listening to Shylie bark at nothing......or, hopefully nothing. Because if it ends up being something, she'll cower and pee, and we don't want to see her humiliate herself again.

We came up to Columbus for Grampa Henry's funeral. The service was lovely, and the people were....eh. The food was good though thanks to the special ladies from Relief Society.

Eric says you guys will get the joke about the family being....eh? I say no... So im here to confirm it being a joke....
I have to say....
Tiffany did an excellent job with Henry's funeral....
Although I didn't ge the pleasure to meet him....
Im sure he would be happy...
Eric talked alot about him...
I think he might have liked him a little bit or something...
Needless to say...
Everything went very well....

It may have been an awkward place to happen....
But i felt as if I was being intigrated into the family at Stephanies house....
Most of you aren't aware of how happy that makes meee...:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
For reeezzzeeeyyy....

We went and paid for our marriage license today. But the BIGGEST part of the day was when we got our replacement headset for our Xbox.
Just kidding, of course. We are to be wed soon, and that is very exciting. Someone we know, love, and trust is presiding o'er the ceremony, and whoever wants to come down to Jackson and witness said event is encouraged to come and will be gladly accepted. We'd actually like as much family as possible to be there, so pack your bags for the 1.5 hours soujourn down here, and the return trip you'll all be dreading, as Jackson makes you want to stay.

You guys won't even be able to see it in one day ....
This booming metropolis...
Well ..
Its indeed an event....
I want the Bowman/Katz/Hock/Shipley/(And tiffany's family but we couldnt figure out the right spelling of her last name... hence this insert) families to know....
I love the ERIC BOWMAN with all of my natural born heart....
and some of my superhero heart as well....
Sometimes I wish I were a superhero....
But that brings to question....
What would my powers be....
I think maybe....
I would be a super comedian....
Like have a rope and stuff...
the rope, of course, would be used for cow herding....
Which is what we do in our spare time these days....
It heals the heart people...
That sounds like some sort of infomercial for something....
"Does you heart hurt....?"
"Does it feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders...."
"Herd some cattle!"

So all is well here in the Jax. We leave you now with some words of wisdom from our collective consciousness:

Send money.

See? You're already inspired.


The soon-to-be Bowmans

PS: You can now comment on our blog.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Post one of manyyy im certain.....

Conversation amongst us earleir in the day....

Holly: You look like a wookie....
Eric: Y? Is it because of my beard....?
Holly: Um ... YEs....
Eric: Its not That long, is it....?
--Holly and Eric....:D