Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Making little rocks from big rocks....

Dark Blue-->Eric
Dark Green-->Holly

We're sitting on a couch right now, listening to Shylie bark at nothing......or, hopefully nothing. Because if it ends up being something, she'll cower and pee, and we don't want to see her humiliate herself again.

We came up to Columbus for Grampa Henry's funeral. The service was lovely, and the people were....eh. The food was good though thanks to the special ladies from Relief Society.

Eric says you guys will get the joke about the family being....eh? I say no... So im here to confirm it being a joke....
I have to say....
Tiffany did an excellent job with Henry's funeral....
Although I didn't ge the pleasure to meet him....
Im sure he would be happy...
Eric talked alot about him...
I think he might have liked him a little bit or something...
Needless to say...
Everything went very well....

It may have been an awkward place to happen....
But i felt as if I was being intigrated into the family at Stephanies house....
Most of you aren't aware of how happy that makes meee...:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
For reeezzzeeeyyy....

We went and paid for our marriage license today. But the BIGGEST part of the day was when we got our replacement headset for our Xbox.
Just kidding, of course. We are to be wed soon, and that is very exciting. Someone we know, love, and trust is presiding o'er the ceremony, and whoever wants to come down to Jackson and witness said event is encouraged to come and will be gladly accepted. We'd actually like as much family as possible to be there, so pack your bags for the 1.5 hours soujourn down here, and the return trip you'll all be dreading, as Jackson makes you want to stay.

You guys won't even be able to see it in one day ....
This booming metropolis...
Well ..
Its indeed an event....
I want the Bowman/Katz/Hock/Shipley/(And tiffany's family but we couldnt figure out the right spelling of her last name... hence this insert) families to know....
I love the ERIC BOWMAN with all of my natural born heart....
and some of my superhero heart as well....
Sometimes I wish I were a superhero....
But that brings to question....
What would my powers be....
I think maybe....
I would be a super comedian....
Like have a rope and stuff...
the rope, of course, would be used for cow herding....
Which is what we do in our spare time these days....
It heals the heart people...
That sounds like some sort of infomercial for something....
"Does you heart hurt....?"
"Does it feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders...."
"Herd some cattle!"

So all is well here in the Jax. We leave you now with some words of wisdom from our collective consciousness:

Send money.

See? You're already inspired.


The soon-to-be Bowmans

PS: You can now comment on our blog.


Unknown said...

I have to say that this was a very enjoyable entry. Very much like the two of you. :) We are so excited for your wedding!! Can't wait to have you as part of the fam Holly.

Eli Bowman said...

I like the way you guys worked this post...

...looking forward to heading down to The Jax.

Love you guys!

The Katzbox said...

Heading down to the Jax to herd some cattle and wed some kiddlins...yep...that's what we do in these parts...yep...*insert some time of body function here*

Jette said...

I am so pleased that my baby brother has found someone who makes him smile. Holly I love you sense of humor and warm heart. I can't wait to have you as a Bowman (officially that is). I will try with all my might to get down there. This is going to be fun!!

Emmy said...

awww. .everyone but me. ..AGAIN!!! :( Wahhh!!!
Wish I could be there. . .maybe next summer I should just come out for the whole summer and stop missing everything! But, pretty please pretty please pretty please, still have a party in October (or whenever) for us to come to! Pretty please!

Unknown said...

I was totally confused about that! I thought each paragraph was a separate post! I read it from the bottom up. And it made NO sense! But now I see and understand.


TT said...

We're so happy to welcome you into the family, Holly! Sorry we couldn't come down to witness as planned today (still digging out from the past week's events). I went outside at dusk and the sky was beautiful and I thought of you (and um, Eric). Sending you our bestest wishes and looking forward to celebrating in October when Emily can be here to celebrate (does that answer your q, Em?). I love you Eric and am very, very, very , very happy for you. Grandpa would have loved Holly and would have been very happy for you two.

Holly - would your rope be gold, like Wonder Woman's?

The Katzbox said...

UPDATE POR FAVOR...'cause I'm back and hankerin' for more posts...

Emmy said...


Jette said...

UPDATE please!! I need my bowman fix!