Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sorry it took so long......

Hello everyone!

Holly and Eric here, and we're finally updating this blog. Our apologies for not updating in half a year. 1000 apologies--Holly. I only say like 3 apologies, because Holly's apologies make up for Eric's.

A few things to note. We are still living in our wonderful apartment in Hilliard! Holly and I have taken in a roommate and upgraded our living environment substantially. The reason for this is Eric has finally received some of his disability money. We won't go into details, but we bought some pretty cool stuff. Our apartment looks so much more like a home now, and Eric is very happy to be living here with Holly. Every day she makes Eric smile....many times a day, for that matter.

We now enjoy watching TV in high definition, as well using the TV for the Xbox and my computer as well. It's quite glorious. The cable isn't working though, which is a severe pain in the rear end. Not that Eric can complain too loudly, as the cable is free because he works for Time Warner.
Speaking of which, he is doing very well there. He closes about 80% of the calls he makes, so he's a treated like gold at work....and gets away with taking extra breaks because of that.

We gpt some stuff for the bathroom and bedroom too. We getting a small table and chairs for the
kitchen so we have a place to sit and eat. That will be vurry nice.

Eric just got off the phone with Jette and her and her kids are coming over tomorrow to hand out. Sweet!

Holly is no longer watching Hayden, our nephew, but is watching another 10 month old named Liam, who can cry at 95 decibles. His parents probably don't even need a monitor to hear that kid.
Anyway, 2 kids total. Mikey(who is also 10 months), and Liam. That along with Eric at Time Warner and our roommates share, we are doing pretty well.

And all women are invited to Holly Park Lane jewelery party on Saturday, March28th at 6:15pm. No purchase is necessary. Holly just wants to have some people over, possibly for drinks and definitely for having a blast. So if you can make it or you're free that day, please consider coming to our home in Hilliard and having a fun time.

That's it for now, kids! Comment and ask questions that we can answer in our next post. We've decided to start updating this blog once a week at least. We know enquiring minds want to know, so we'll give you what you want.

Have a good day and remember: The Devil wears Prada.

-The H & E Express

1 comment:

Eli Bowman said...

As I read the title to this post someone in my office yelled "sorry it took so long".

...weird. HAT! Glad to see you guys back in the Blogosphere!