Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Do you think cows have libido?" - Holly

While Holly is going to wash her face, I will fill in the basics.

We went down to Jackson on Saturday to celebrate Easter weekend. It was a pleasant drive down and we had a lot of fun together on Saturday night, going over to Holly's grandmothers and eating subs and pizza from the "Filly", a filling station with a pizza shope(e!) in it.
We started to sleep on the pull out sofa, but after considerable discomfort, Holly switched to the other, more cushioned couch, while I was left with bars digging into my ribs/back all night long.

Sunday morning, we drove with Bud and Lorrie to Holly's grandmother's Methodist church in Beaver, OH. It was a nice service, and we saw lots of Holly's family there because every easter it's a sort of competition for people in the congregation to see how many people they can get to come to service. Pearl, Holly's g-ma, won, of course, like she does err'year. Lots of hymns during the service, and a young man's re-dedication of his life for Christ. That was touching. I took communion for the first time in a long, long, LONG time. It felt good.

After a stop back at Bud and Lorrie's to get our stuff, we headed over to Pearl's house to celebrate her birthday and eat Easter dinner. It was DELICIOUS! There was SO much good food. I wish I could've taken home two plates just to snack on for dinner. Lorrie's lasagna was as good as they claimed it would be.

Holly says, "We had a really good time, and I love Eric, and we're going to Ireland."
And it's true, we are. We're going in September for our 1 year anniversay/late Honeymoon spectacularrrrrr. "It's gonna be greeeaaaa....." - Holly.

Holly told me to inform you that a repeat performance of her centipede joke, then you should email her.
Why don't you call or send us a text or something, jerks?

We are having a good time lately, and it's been great. We both appreciate all the support we've recieved from both sides of the family.

We out. But remember,
"And now you know, and knowing's half the battle." - GI Joe

Sunday, March 29, 2009

A note

Holly is the best wife in the world. She loves me more than I love her, which is hard to believe. I keep thinking, "She chose me." All I did was act like myself around her, and she fell in love. We fell in love very quickly.
I was at St. Anne's hospital with a condition and she stayed the night with me. While we were just sitting there, in the dark as I tried to go to sleep, she said, "Eric, how long do you think it takes to fall in love with someone?"
Long story short, that night I told her I was in love with her, and she returned it.
The rest is history, friends!
She likes to sleep on the couch, but she sleeps in the bed too and when she does I get such good nights aleep.
It's incredible to feel this way about someone. I have never been in this kind of love before, or in this kind of relationship. We both give, and we both take. We listen to each other...most of the time, and we have been fighting less and less lately.
It's a good time to be married to my Holly.

btw, I love texting on my new phone so if you want to, check a couple of entries ago for my contact info. I'd also love to start writing a penpal, so if you people have any friends out of Ohio who happen to be musicians, or play Xbox 360, or if you know they have something in common with me, have them send me a letter. I prefer it to be someone I don't know, but I remember having penpals before, and it's so great to get a letter from them in the mail box, no the "inbox" on email.

So, I love my wife. Take THAT, Universe! You cannot stop Eric.

OK, goodnight err'one.


I turned on comment approval, so if you don't see your comment right away, it's because I haven't gotten to it yet. Be patient, friend.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We're where we wanna know what's up

What up, peeps? - Holly
Jello - Eric

Want to hear a joke of Holly's?
You do.
Joe doesn't have any friends so he goes to the pet store and asks the pet store owner what the best friend would be for a lonely guy. The owner says, "Try this centipede, he's a good friend and his name is Terry."
So he takes him home and he's sitting in front of the tv and asks, "Terry, do you want to go down to the bar and get a drink?"
Terry looks at him and turns back around and goes back to what he was doing.
Joe waits a few minutes and asks Terry again. "Terry, do you want to go down to the bar and get a drink?"
Terry turns back around and continues what he's doing.
Finally, Joe gets upset and says directly in Terry's face, "Terry! I asked you if you wanted to go to the bar and a drink!"
Terry looks at him and says, "Calm down man, I'm just putting my shoes on."


We're doing great. Emily and her kids came over, and Eric and Jacob played Xbox for awhile. They beat a level on Halo 3 which apparently wasn't difficult enough, so Jacob tried his hand at Guitar Hero and got SERVED! He was greatly enjoying himself, playing song after song.....first on the guitar and then on the drums with Holly on the guitar, and it became obvious that Jacob wants Eric's Xbox for himself.
Eventually, Clark kept saysing, "Momma, byebye!" We took it as he wanted to jet, and Mae felt the same, but Jacob just wanted to keep on jamming.
Long story short, it was a great time and Holly finally got to meet my other sister and her family. A good time was had by all.

Holly: I miss everybody except for Debbie, and I miss her terribly. I love Eric.

We went to Walmart tonight and picked up a few things. Some new clothes for Eric and Holly got a overpriced Ohio State hoodie. It really was way overpriced, says Holly. But we're going to be looking sharp for the family pictures that are coming up this weekend, and we will be having a blast there and even at lunch afterwards. It might rain, which sucks, so we might have to do it somewhere inside a mansion in Bexley, but we're not sure. Emily has all the details.

We really are doing great, and we appreciate all the help we've gotten from all our family.....both sides of it.

As for now, we're going to bed.

Remember, I updated our contact information, so feel free to call, write, or text us. We have unlimited text on our new plan, and we love to text, so please feel free to do so. And to whom it may concern, please give the link to this blog to anyone in the family who doesn't have it, including family friends, like Jenny G. and Diane H.

We love you guys. We really do.

PS: Always have:
1) Snazzy shoes, and
B) No regrets

Saturday, March 21, 2009

One more thing

Ouyr contact information is as follows:

Holly Lipovich and Eric Bowman
4747 Jeanette Rd., Apt B-1
Hilliard, OH 43026

Home phone 614-219-1267
Eric cell 614-678-1932
Holly cell 614-678-1979

or you can reach us here and leave a comment. There you go!

Sorry it took so long......

Hello everyone!

Holly and Eric here, and we're finally updating this blog. Our apologies for not updating in half a year. 1000 apologies--Holly. I only say like 3 apologies, because Holly's apologies make up for Eric's.

A few things to note. We are still living in our wonderful apartment in Hilliard! Holly and I have taken in a roommate and upgraded our living environment substantially. The reason for this is Eric has finally received some of his disability money. We won't go into details, but we bought some pretty cool stuff. Our apartment looks so much more like a home now, and Eric is very happy to be living here with Holly. Every day she makes Eric smile....many times a day, for that matter.

We now enjoy watching TV in high definition, as well using the TV for the Xbox and my computer as well. It's quite glorious. The cable isn't working though, which is a severe pain in the rear end. Not that Eric can complain too loudly, as the cable is free because he works for Time Warner.
Speaking of which, he is doing very well there. He closes about 80% of the calls he makes, so he's a treated like gold at work....and gets away with taking extra breaks because of that.

We gpt some stuff for the bathroom and bedroom too. We getting a small table and chairs for the
kitchen so we have a place to sit and eat. That will be vurry nice.

Eric just got off the phone with Jette and her and her kids are coming over tomorrow to hand out. Sweet!

Holly is no longer watching Hayden, our nephew, but is watching another 10 month old named Liam, who can cry at 95 decibles. His parents probably don't even need a monitor to hear that kid.
Anyway, 2 kids total. Mikey(who is also 10 months), and Liam. That along with Eric at Time Warner and our roommates share, we are doing pretty well.

And all women are invited to Holly Park Lane jewelery party on Saturday, March28th at 6:15pm. No purchase is necessary. Holly just wants to have some people over, possibly for drinks and definitely for having a blast. So if you can make it or you're free that day, please consider coming to our home in Hilliard and having a fun time.

That's it for now, kids! Comment and ask questions that we can answer in our next post. We've decided to start updating this blog once a week at least. We know enquiring minds want to know, so we'll give you what you want.

Have a good day and remember: The Devil wears Prada.

-The H & E Express

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another red letter day for the H&E Express

Despite some troubles we've been having, it seems like it all disappears when the prospect of moving out on our own becomes less of a dream and more of a reality. A couple undergoes undue stress when living with in-laws, and starting out right after marriage doing so might or might not invite more stress into a marriage than to have to do so later in life, but we're not ever going to find out. It's enough stress right now, and that's all we need to know.

Holly and I spoke to the landlord at the apartment complex where Holly's brother, Isaac, lives with his family. We talked about "move-in specials" and the like, and Sekora(Secora?(Seckorhra?)) the landlady told us that whatever aparment we choose, of the three available, will be held for us. We're going to turn in our application and tell her we'd like to move in on December 1st, 2055. We both know it's a long time off, but that gives us time to get stuff in order....

....haaaaaaahaha! Right. Weez be outta here by December 1st. We've found an amazing living room set at one of those furniture liquidators, like American Freight, but it's called "*insert correct word here* Freight". I can't be expected to keep track of all of this stuff. Holly's parents, Steven and his wife Carol, are getting us the set(which is extraordinarily well priced and they still might get a $100 off that price) for our Christmas and my birthday present(which fall within' five days of each other). It comes with a couch and love seat, both a nice green color. Also pillows, two espresso(if I ever hear you refer to said color or drink as 'expresso', prepare for the oncoming of.....le slap) colored end tables with a very nice coffee table of the same color, and two Daniel lamps. I don't know if spouting off a name brand to you in regards to lamps impresses you, but I'm taking a shot. Our living room is looking to be awesome.

So with that living room set, and all the kitchen stuff we got for our reception, all we're in need of is getting stuff for our bathroom. We're gonna have a theme in the bathroom of course. We're going to look at a bunch of themes at Target and online and just get err'thang to go with that theme.
Considering I only care a little about what my toothbrush holder looks like, I'm gonna let Holly take care of the restroom to her liking. I do have an opinion about the shower curtain, but since when does a man's opinion matter in a marriage? "Gee, uh, I dunno, Eric, maybe since RIGHT NOW?".......


Holly can go nuts in designing this place, really. I trust her sense of style completely, and I know that even though I may think that the bright yellow plaid pillows go well with the espresso side tables, I know Holly's right when she says, "Eric....................just, no."


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Coming to you live, via osmosis

Just an update here.

Holly and I are doing well. Holly is babysitting and I am working at Time Warner doing sales, of course.
Yesterday was a red letter day for me at work. I broke the record for most voice mail signups in one day and the last call I made was what we call a "triple play", which means the customer signed up for all three of our services; digital cable, high-speed online, and digital phone. All in all today, with my hourly wage and my commission, I made $30/hr. None-too-shabby.

We are on track to be getting our own place as soon as we can afford it, which is to say, not soon enough. Not that we aren't grateful to Holly's parents for putting us up until we get our own place, but we really need our own place, with room to play and room to grow, as a family.
No, don't get your hopes up just yet. I think we're aiming for next year to start a family. I myself am very excited about this prospect. I would love to have a mini-bub(ette) running around. I know Holly would be an excellent mother to our children, and hopefully things just start falling into place here soon enough so that we can plan for a family within the next two years.

It's an exciting time for the H & E Express.

Sorry we never update. It just really slips our minds...err'day, 'ya know? But we will try to be more diligent regarding our blog and we will renew our dedication to you.....our fans.

With love,

Air-ick and Holliver